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Dr. Yogesh Kumar Sarin

Dr. Yogesh Kumar Sarin

Dr. Yogesh Kumar Sarin




Dr. Yogesh Kumar Sarin did his graduation and post-graduation in Surgery at Christian Medical College, Ludhiana. He was trained in Paediatric Surgery in Jaipur. He later acquired an MBA in health care administration from the prestigious Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi. He worked as Director Professor & Head of the Department of Paediatric Surgery at Maulana Azad Medical College (MAMC) for 26 years (1998 to 2024) and as Medical Superintendent and officiating Dean, at MAMC during 2015-16. He is presently posted as Director Professor and head of the Department of Paediatric Surgery at Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi since 2020. His special areas of interest are Paediatric Urology, Paediatric Surgical Oncology, and Neonatal Surgery. Besides being an accomplished academician (with a total teaching experience of more than 39 years) and astute administrator, he is a skilled paediatric surgeon with many firsts to his credit. At the age of 33 years, he had successfully separated ischiopagus tetrapus conjoined twins.


Among the many Fellowships that have been conferred upon him, the notable include the WHO Fellowship (2001-02)in Australia, Commonwealth Fellowship (2003)in United Kingdom andPediatric Surgical OncologyShort FellowshipatSt. Jude’s Research Cancer Institute, Memphis (USA) in 2008. He has been conferred Fellowships by many prestigious Academies and Professional bodies- FAIS, FIMSA, FICS, FAMS, FFNF, FAIP and FSPU.He was conferred honorary membership of the South Africa Children’s Cancer Study Group (SACCSG) in 2009. He has been awarded many medals, and honours includingDelhi State Award for Doctors for the year 2012-13. He has been a visiting Professorat many universities/ teaching hospitals in Indiaand abroad.


He has participated in/ supervised 47 research projects/ thesis and has been part of one multi-site research project with extramural funding. He is credited with 300 publications in indexed national and international scientific journals with 15621 citations with an h-index of 19, a G-Index of 26 andan i10-index of 58 (80 of them in national and international textbooks). He has contributed 35 chapters in books. He has recently got a book on Wilms’ Tumor published by Springerin 2022.


He is also associated with the publication of many scientific journals. Besides being reviewer for many medical journals, he is presently editor-in-chief of the international ‘Journal of Neonatal Surgery’ and editorial board member of more than a dozen journals. He has been a reviewer for 76 medical journals.He has been a faculty in many scientific conferences and continuing medical education programs in India and abroad and has delivered more than 100 invited lectures and presented more than 250 free papers. He has organized many local and National Conferences/ CME programs including the MAMC Pediatric Surgery Updates.He hasbeen very active in the proceedings of the MCI, NBME, ICMR and CSIR.


He has been an active member of more than 20 national and international scientific bodies and associations. He has played a very long inning inthe Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons (IAPS) in different capacities since 1997. He wasthe Secretary-cum treasurer (2005-07) and President of IAPS (2021-22). He is presently Secretary of Indian Child Abuse, Neglect and Child Labor (ICANCL) group of Indian Academy of Pediatrics.


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